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Meet the Founder

Victoria Macias, the founder of The Latina Daily, created the platform back in 2019 when she was in her college dorm at the University of California, San Diego.

The  platform was born out of a spark of inspiration and a need to connect with other Latinas who share her passions, interests, and values.

As a Latina, she recognized a gap in the media, she wanted to create a space where she could share stories of Latinas from all backgrounds and uplift a community of strong women.

Her vision was to create a space where Latinas from all backgrouds could come together, share their stories, and inspire one another to achieve their goals and dreams. The plataforma she envisioned would celebrate the achievements of Latinas in various areas of life, encompassing business, entrepreneurship, entertainment, art, and activism, entertaiment, technology and more.


The Latina Daily firmly believes that representation matters, and they are dedicated to showcasing the diversity, richness, and complexity of the Latina experience.

The platform has a vast content in news, entertainment and also serves as a community for Latinas.


Our mission is to amplify Latina voices and create content that resides at the heart of culture, entertainment, stories, and experiences. We strive to provide a platform that empowers Latinas to share their unique perspectives and narratives with the world.

Through our diverse range of content, we aim to celebrate the richness of Latina culture and contribute to a more inclusive and representative media landscape. By showcasing the vibrant stories, talents, and achievements of Latinas, we aspire to inspire and uplift our community while fostering greater understanding and appreciation of our collective heritage.

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